Tuesday, January 11, 2011


     (HELP  ALL   ~     SERVE  ALL   ~   PRAY  FOR  ALL)
( Dedicated to all those who were present, who are present & who will be present )

Try for GOD” is a non profitable social organization meant for all. It is established in the
       year  Jan ‘ 2010 with unique concepts related to all living beings with a motto of comfortable
       living without disturbing others in other words without disturbing the ecological balance.
       It’s Founder & Chairman is  B.SRINIVAAS “SUMAN” a physically challenged person from
       Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh in India.

It’s main objective is to create awareness of universal truth that the “GOD IS ONE” and he
       loves all and serves all without any discrimination. It is our duty to show our gratitude to
       the almighty and should live on his word (let it be any holy book) to be happy.

“PRAYER HAS POWER”: The almighty provides everything in advance to the living
       creatures depending upon the requirement. One such example is the flower blossoms in
       the early hours only to provide honey to the honeybee & others which is the food for survival.
      “PRAYER is the Invitation to reveal God. God shapes the World by Prayer. The more Praying   
       there is  in the World the better the World be, the mightier the forces against Evil.”

The main motto of organization “TRY FOR GOD” is to Pray & Try for the Omnipotent &
       Omnipresent. The living beings do not understand in all & the human beings alone is accorded
       the power to discriminate & enjoys the external peace, happiness (bliss showered by the GOD)
                “GOD     Means  :     GENERATOR    ~    OPERATOR    ~       DESTROYER”.

Sincere prayers are the key. Here everyone’s  investment is not money but there commitment
       & promise towards PRAYER ( “PRAYER  HAS  POWER    TRY  FOR  GOD    PRAY       
       FOR   ALL” )  which is to be included in their daily regular  Prayers  morning  and  night
       with  out  fail & to keep up our promise & commitment practically by  reading special
       prayer called     PRAYER   HAS   POWER      TRY   FOR   GOD     PRAY   FOR   ALL 
       with open mind & heart, not for themselves but for well being of all living creatures Begging
       Requesting, Crying & Praying to God to provide minimum required food, shelter, wisdom,
       clothes…etc. If everyone continues reading this prayer (morning & night), God only assures
       us with his blessings & finally we are gifted peace & happiness by God which we cannot
       get  throughout  our entire life with the money or luxury or by our selfish living.

Children & youth are the main backbones of our future. So, parents come forward & teach  
       about GOD to  Children at the very young age & make them to learn & read the “PRAYER
       HAS POWER – TRY FOR GOD – PRAY FOR ALL” which will be supplied to all in hard
       or soft copy. Start reading this prayers (morning & night) & after due course when we find
       improvement in our life in terms of happiness , peace & unity with God, then make a copy
       of this prayers pass on to your friends & relatives with a message “ TRY FOR GOD –
       PRAY FOR ALL ” makes life much happy than living for our selfish deeds. This prayer
       network(copy of this prayer) should reach every human being in this world/universe &
       practically we should see the world/universe with complete peace, happiness & harmony.
       This prayer is not linked/related to any religion & it is purely on the concept “GOD IS ONE”.

                                                                                                                                          Cont.. 2

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We will come out with our future plans from time to time & one of the plan is to start 24hrs
        prayer(s) by dedicated & non commercial (sacrificing) spiritual people in shift system at a
       holy & peaceful place (surrounding of Hyderabad). So, let all of us come together for this
       universal cause (peace & prosperity) & help the organization in whatever way it is
       Possible & feasible.

Before coming to conclusion, everyone should thank & praise the GOD every second for giving
        us life as (Intelligent & thinking) human being. One should not forget that, “GOD should
        be remembered every moment whether we are happy or in sorrow”. Make a habit of practicing
        this “ START WITH GOD, END WITH GOD” on any occasions of our entire life.

Every One should know what is LIFE…?

        L=Life is always learning about GOD
        I=Identifying the GOD
        F=Faith on GOD
        E=Entering the gates of the almighty.
             Everyone’s life goal of their life should be re-unity with GOD.

Please visit our website & Send Prayers :

NOTE: - We invite prayers on the subject “PRAYER HAS POWER - TRY FOR GOD - PRAY FOR
                  ALL” in 500 words & more  to the mail Id: sumanfashion@gmail.com. How the Prayer
                  should be means :  after reading it “tear should flow from eyes, the hair on the body should
                  become erect and the heart should be full of peace & happiness - which we never felt before
                  at any time. The prayer should be written from the inner heart and everyone should read
                  it with open mind & heart, then only the above miracles will happen with God’s grace.

PLEASE VISIT :   http://tryforgod.webs.com/

* * * * *  G O D  I S  O N E  * * * * *    GOD SHOWERS HIS BLESSINGS UPON US ALL   * * * *
Tags : try for god,prayer,god,god is one,universal truth,blessings,help,serve,pray,grace,life,god is great,donate,suggestions,devotional,spiritual,miracle,peace,happiness,goal,Who I am,know about God,
Who is God